Maple syrup is much more than just a natural sweetener: it's a real source of energy, rich in essential nutrients and perfectly suited to the needs of athletes. Thanks to its minimalist manufacturing process and its many benefits, it is a healthy and effective alternative to food for training and competition. This golden nectar, emblematic of Quebec, is ideal for athletes and sports enthusiasts.
Let's find out more about its benefits and how to incorporate it into your sports diet.
A natural source of carbohydrates
Every spring, water is collected from the maple trees, then concentrated to produce the maple syrup we all love. This minimally processed technique preserves a multitude of nutritional benefits, without the need for additions or supplements.
During prolonged exercise, muscles need a constant supply of carbohydrates to maintain performance. Maple syrup is composed of natural sugars, mainly in the form of sucrose (50-70%), glucose and fructose, plus a small amount of complex sugars, enabling it to be rapidly assimilated by the body.
Its moderate glycemic index (around 54) offers a good compromise between rapid energy release and glycemic stability, avoiding sudden spikes and drops in blood sugar levels.
Compared with other sports products on the market, maple syrup represents a more natural alternative.
A concentrate of minerals
In addition to its energy source, maple syrup contains minerals essential to performance and recovery, such as manganese, zinc, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Maple syrup also contains antioxidants that help fight inflammation and damages caused by physical effort.
Krono gels are also sodium-supplemented with sea salt to help replace electrolytes lost in sweat during physical exertion, and thus optimize performance.
How can we use maple syrup to fuel our sporting activities?
Maple syrup can be incorporated into various phases of training. Make sure to always drink water when taking Krono gel, to facilitate absorption and digestion.
Pre-exercise: a carbohydrate source for a good start to physical effort
Ingest a maple syrup Krono gel 10 to 15 minutes before the start of your workout or competition, to get the energy you need to perform well.
During exercise: A natural energy boost
Depending on your desired carbohydrate intake, ingest one gel every 20 to 30 minutes during intense, prolonged physical effort, such as a marathon.
Each maple syrup Krono gel contains between 24 and 29 grams of carbohydrates. So, by consuming two to three gels per hour, you'll have a carbohydrate intake of between 48 and 87 g per hour, which is optimal for sustaining your performance during intense, prolonged exertion.
Our coffee Krono gel also contains 25 mg caffeine, which is ideal for providing an energy boost, particularly towards the end of a training session or competition when you're feeling tired.
After exercise: accelerated recovery
After exercise, it's important to consume carbohydrates to replenish the glycogen (carbohydrate reserves) in our muscles. Consuming a Krono gel with a piece of fruit and a Krono protein bar will help recovery.
In conclusion, whether you're a runner, cyclist, triathlete or endurance sports enthusiast, maple syrup is a natural and effective energy solution. Used before, during or after exercise, it optimizes performance, improves endurance and promotes recovery.
Athlete Nutrition: How to Improve Your Performance