All our products are made in Québec.

Maple Fuel

The energy of maple syrup, fueling your performance.

Discover our selection of maple syrup-based energy products—a natural source of carbohydrates and essential minerals to optimize your athletic performance. Natural, easily digestible, and delicious, maple syrup is the perfect ally for athletes seeking long-lasting energy. Whether before, during, or after your workout, fuel up with maple with Krono Nutrition.

100% natural

Unlike the majority of our maple gels on the market, our products are made from pure maple syrup, without preservatives or artificial sugars. Clean and effective energy to support your performance.

Fast absorption and easy digestion

Due to its natural carbohydrate content, maple syrup offers a quick energy boost and is unlikely to cause digestive discomfort. It's perfect for sustaining your energy levels without compromise.

Rich in essential nutrients

In addition to an energy boost, ourmaple syrup gelscontain minerals and antioxidants that support recovery and help reduce inflammation after exercise.