Our history

Krono Nutrition in brief

Krono Nutrition are quality and nutritious natural products that provide all the energizing and restorative benefits that athletes need.
Proudly designed and developed in Quebec, Krono products are appreciated by the sports community across Canada.

The beginnings

Kronobar was born from a love of running and nutrition. The brand was officially created in Quebec in 2005, but the passion has been present for even longer.

It was when she was young that Rose-Marie Jarry, founder of Kronobar, discovered racing. Over the years, the idea came to her to make healthy energy bars to support her during her training.

A pastry student at ITHQ, she was able to put her culinary knowledge into practice to design her first products.

Interest quickly arose in the sports community and, after several experiments in the kitchen of his apartment, the company was officially launched in 2011.

The rise in popularity

Demand was growing, with merchants such as La Cordée, Avril and Sail wanting to add the bars to their inventory. That’s when Kronobar teamed up with a manufacturer in the Montreal area to take the company to another level.

Rose-Marie’s knowledge of sports nutrition as well as the manufacturer’s industrial expertise have made it possible to massively manufacture Kronobar brand products, thus creating the only performance food bars in Canada to be 100% natural and allergen-free.

The arrival of Rekarb

Founded by David Lafontaine, Rekarb had been developing energy gels based on maple syrup since 2015 when its path crossed that of Kronobar.

Common values ​​quickly brought the two brands together and the merger between them was simple. This union allowed the company to complete its offering to offer a wide range of natural, healthy products adapted to the specific needs of athletes.

Kronobar and Rekarb become… Krono Nutrition

While retaining the same values, it is with a complete overhaul of its image that the brands become KRONO NUTRITION with a new logo, new packaging, a new website and improved recipes for energy and protein bars.

Everything has been reviewed to offer its consumers a simple and refined look which well represents the natural side of the ingredients used in the production of its various products.